Early bloomers at Slot Zuylen

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On February 12, Wim Pijbes wrote in NRC about the exotic plants (Stinzen plants) at Slot Zuylen.

The word 'stins', from the Frisian language, translates into 'stone house'. Stinzen plants therefore are a group of wild spring flowers that, from the 16th century onwards were planted on country estates, around castles and in public parks, and have since naturalised.

The bulbous, tuberous and root crops naturalise into natural vegetation in their environment. The different varieties are exotics that arrived in the Netherlands from the Middle East, Asia and Central America, just like 'our' tulips. The group consists of early-blooming, low-growing species, including the by Pijbes mentioned winter aconites (yellow), anemone (purple), wild crocuses, hyacinth-like species such as scilla bifolia (white-pink), snakehead lilies (purple/white), glory of the snow (white and purple), wild garlic etc.

As you can see, we grow many of them... so pick your stinzen plants, enjoy the spring, and your home will be your castle! You even do not have to choose: in our assortment you will find 'Early bloomers', a colourful mix of over 10 varieties of assorted stinzen plants.

(NB The bulbs of spring flowers are to be planted in the fall, so we are talking about spring 2023 here - and all springs after that!)


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