More information on bulbs please

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We often hear that our (2020 new) website is awsome. And also that more information on  the flower bulbs would be very much appreciated. We love to share a passion! So we will work on this. Until then, a foretaste ...


Everyone who visited the Keukenhof knows that flower bulbs take four years to reach the store. It will not come as a surprise that some bulbs are suitable for naturalising and others are not. And that spring-flowering bulbs should be  planted in the autumn is promoted in good time by the full shelves in garden centers. Also, anyone who has ever worked with flower bulbs knows that they like lime and do not like constantly wet feet.

There are rules for each species about the ideal planting depth, the amount of sun, the preferred soil type, and whether it makes bees and bumblebees happier. We will describe this in more detail next year.

What is newsworthy as a kick off? The question of every passionate (and/or efficient) gardener: how will I enjoy my bulbs for years to come? Why do some bulbs last for 10 years, and others only for a few years, or shine less and less?


We claim that all varieties that we sell are suitable for naturalising, they will flower for several years. They do, but then our climate does not always cooperate ... so what is needed to overcome this hurdle? It helps to understand the background of your bulbs.

Most spring-flowering bulbs are native to the Middle East and Asia. Countries and mountain regions with cold wet winters and hot dry summers. The flower bulb is fully equipped for this: in winter they grow roots underground, in spring they bloom, and in the (late) summer they go dormant. The bulb provides the food supply for flowering, and a protective skin dries around the core afterwards.


Then our climate… dry winters, potentially with frost, and sometimes surprisingly wet summers. So now that you know the biology of your bulbs, how do you support your bulbs getting through the years?

For the winter: plant deep enough, about 3 times the height of the bulb (with sandy soil deeper than clay soil). They will find their way upward.

And for the summer: for the best result, you (old-fashioned) can harvest the bulbs after the plant dies, clean the bulbs, and store them dry and airy at room temperature. They can then be planted again in the autumn.


Do you think this is too much work, or do you not strive for perfection, then remember: ‘Life finds its way’ (Jurassic Park) - so ‘suitable for naturalising’ to us really means naturalising. Let yourself be surprised!


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