Project 10.000 allium schubertii

This year Blomstring supplies an extra quantity of allium schubertii for a special project.
Think of 10,000 flower bulbs, then think of your dream project.
As a customer you can nominate a project. A project that provides for more nature, green viewpoints, for sustainability, improvement of a neighborhood. Or think of a school project, or a research garden for flowers or insects. Or a commercial project in which you see opportunities for entrepreneurship, such as a picking garden, a flower drying facility, creating a natural environment for nature photography, product photography and photo shoots. Or something totally different..
So if you have an idea, and you need at least 10,000 allium schubertii flower bulbs to realise this, please let us know. Let's work together to realise your dream plan.
The flower bulbs are there, the planting advice and support too, the plan is yours!
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